(foto) Un italian a realizat un proiect fotografic despre romii din Moldova și România

Gypsy Interiors
Foto:Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com

Carlo Gianferro este un italian care realizează mai multe proiecte fotografice despre etniile și culturile mai multor țări. În 2004, acesta a vizitat Republica Moldova și România și a fotografiat romii din aceste țări. Italianul a editat două cărți despre arhitectura și designul caselor romilor.

În ultimii ani, fotograful italian a efectuat mai multe proiecte de acest gen în Europa de Est, Africa și Orientul Mijlociu. Acesta se arată mai interesat de comunitățile fragile. Obiectivul aparatului său surprinde de cele mai dese ori mediile în care vaorile arhitecturale sunt foarte importante pentru oameni.

Lucrările lui au fost premiate la mai multe concursuri internaționale, inclusiv la concursul World Press Photo din 2009. Puteți urmări activitatea artistului pe pagina lui de Facebook sau pe blogul acestuia.


Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
A Roma princess, Soroca, Republic of Moldova. Roma girls do not attend school. This custom may change. A Roma woman in Galati, Romania, a college graduate, is now a political activist promoting the education of young Roma girls.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
A mother and child kitchen reunion, Ciurea (Iasi), Romania. With men-folk away, Roma women remain close to home to care for their children. There may be no retail establishments near their houses, so they wait for mobile vendors to pass by and hawk merchandise. Everything becomes obtainable just by waiting: bread, vegetables, clothes -- and live poultry.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Family portrait, with rag dog, Soroca, Republic of Moldova. Real dogs, mostly bruisers, patrol the premises outside. These Gypsy interiors are pristine places mostly off limits to animals and their impurities. Roma family bonds among their wealthy elites are notoriously strong and enduring. In Roma houses, coffee tables abound facing sofas, and dining rooms are usually furnished with huge tables where the extended family and guests can gather.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Wife among colours and comfort, Ciurea, Romania. Cheerful colours inviting comfort are essential in the life of Roma, who socialize frequently. Wall to wall sofas presage boisterous gatherings of the clan. Both in furnishings and Roma dress, chromatic combinations are exhibited in vivid pallets -- and sometimes in improbable combinations.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
The men with the broken leg, La Ciurea, Iasi, Romani When may stay at home, they do not partecipate to mantain the house or take care of children, the are the kings of the house.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Bloodline, symmetry and light combine to illuminate the darkness of a Gypsy Interior, Soroca, Republic of Moldova. Roma patriarchs with mansions in Soroca are often away for extended periods on economic expeditions. Many conduct business in Europe and Russia. Summertime usually signals the return of the Roma fathers to their families.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
A Gypsy queen’s boudoir, Soroca, Republic of Moldova. Its dramatic décor rises high above the headboards; a remarkable monument to Gypsy interior eclecticism.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
. This woman, so fond of orange, Ciurea (Iasi), Romania. "Gypsy Interiors" is a collection of portraits capturing the sedate and decorous intimacy of an outwardly loud and gregarious people. Carlo Gianferro has discovered a profound – almost religious – ethnic performance enacted by proud and wealthy Roma deep within their own private quarters;
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
His every room, his trophy room, Gradjuli (Iasi), Romania. When furnishing their houses, Roma are attentive to a precise display of material wealth in museum-like dignity. Exotic, unusual and imperial objects are gathered from far-away places, and carefully arranged, to accentuate the abundant power of the family.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
A king in his kitchen, Soroca, Republic of Moldova. The porcelain is on display, as the women in his household still gather with others to cook their dishes along the streets facing their palatial estates. There they cook in big cauldrons, chatting up their children, while their husbands remain home to watch huge television sets till dinner arrives.
Photo Credit: carlogianferro.com
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Autor:Elena Guțu
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