(doc) Aproape toate prezentările speakerilor de la Rockit Digital Summit 2016

Foto:Lidia Scarlat PC: Rockit Digital Conference

Rockit Regional Digital Communication Summit 2016 sau pe scurt – Rockit 2016 este prima și cea mai mare conferință de comunicare digitală pentru țările Europei de Est. La Rockit Digital Summit 2016 au participat peste 600 de persoane din 22 de țări.

#1. EUGEN BOICO | The digital transformation of entertainment 


#2. DOUGLAS ARELLANES | Find a way or make one: Transforming the news media by sharing code and know-how


#3. ALAN SOON | Innovative digital trends in newsrooms for 2016


#4. JUSTIN VARILEK | It’s always darkest before the dawn: How technology can pull independent journalism out of the media crisis


#5. MORGAN BOYER | The death of the news crew: Citizen journalism and the future of media


#6. ERIC BARRETT | Data by design: Choosing the right medium for the message and more


#7. DOUG HADDIX | Top social media tools every journalist should try


#8. DUMITRU SLONOVSCHI | Cutting Through the Noise: Build communication that works


#9. SARAH FRANK | WTF is Social Video and How Is It Different From Web Video?


#10. OLEG NAUMENKO | Crisis & Military Communications in Ukraine-Russia conflict


#11. BORIS KHODORKOVSKY | Two-way online-offline communications


#12. LIDIA SCARLAT | Storytelling in a jungle of video communication


#13. ADAM HARRELL | Creating Content That Spreads


#14. MARKO ZORIC | YouTube On A Plate


#15. TRAVIS WRIGHT | Data Driven Marketing Technologies, Tools & Tactics in the Age of the Evolving Marketer

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