(foto) 25 picturi renumite în care apare un avocado

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Foto:PC: colbertlateshow.com

25 dintre cele mai renumite picturi au fost preschimbate ingenios cu un mic detaliu – un avocado.

Iată cum arată picturile preschimbate cu un avocado:


„The Son of Man” cu Avocado, Rene Magritte, 1964


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„The Starry Night” cu Avocado, Vincent van Gogh, 1889


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„Washington Crossing the Delaware” cu Avocado, Emanuel Leutze, 1851


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„Adam și Eva” și Avocado, Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1526


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„The Old Guitarist” cu Avocado, Pablo Picasso, 1903


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„The Creation of Adam” cu Avocado, Michelangelo, 1512


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„Triple Self-Portrait” cu Avocado, Norman Rockwell, 1960


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„The Scream” cu Avocado, Edvard Munch, 1893


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„Girl with a Pearl Earring” cu Avocado, Johannes Vermeer, 1665


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„Orange and Yellow” cu Avocado, Mark Rothko, 1956


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„Autumn Rhythm” cu Avocado (Number 30), Jackson Pollack,1950


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„Grey Lines with Black, Blue, and Yellow”, Avocado, Georgia O’Keeffe, 1923


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„Water Lilies” cu Avocado, Claude Monet, 1916


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Oh, Jeff…I Love You, Too…But… Avocado, Roy Lichtenstein, 1964


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Fără titlu, 1988 (Two Figures with Heart with Avocado), Keith Haring, 1988


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„Grande Odalisque” fără Avocado (Not As Good!!!), Dominique Ingres, 1814


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„The Persistence of Memory” cu Avocado, Salvador Dali, 1931


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„The Treachery of Images” cu Avocado (La Trahison Des Images avec Avocat), Rene Magritte, 1928


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 „The Birth of Venus” cu Avocado, Sandro Botticelli, 1486


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„Composition” cu Avocado, Piet Mondrian, c. 1940


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Fără titlu de la Marilyn Monroe cu Avocado, 1967, Andy Warhol, 1967


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„The Last Supper” cu Avocado, Leonardo da Vinci, 1495


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„The Card Players” cu Avocado, Paul Cezanne, 1894


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„Flower Thrower” cu Avocado, Banksy, 2003


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„Christina’s World” cu Avocado, Andrew Wyeth, 1948


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