BAC 2016: Ce subiecte au primit elevii la proba de Limba Engleză


Echipa #diez a întrebat mai mulți elevi care azi au susținut examenul de Bacalaureat la Limba străină ce itemi au avut, pentru a crea un portret robot al testului de azi. Testul de mai jos nu este unul oficial, este bazat pe memoria absolvenților profilului real 2016. Versiunea oficială, potrivit metodologiei, va apărea după publicarea rezultatelor de la sesiunea de Bacalaureat 2016.

Subiectul I

A fost dat textul Using Films TV and celebrities on advertising.

Ex 1: Answer the following questions according to the text.
1) According to the text, why manufactures need to see their products on TV ?
3) According to the text, what happens with some sales of products being advertised ?

Ex 2:

a) Circle the correct answer according to the text.
b) The word willing in line 17 is closest in meaning to:
# intentionable
# ready
# reliable

Ex3: Based on the text, write if the sentences are True or False. Justify your choice.
1) Celebrities chose what product do they advertise.
2) Sport people and actors are more preffered for advertising.

Ex4: Find in the text the synonyms for the words given below.

1) to attempt
2) increase

Ex5: Give another title to the text.
Ex6: Explain the message of the text in 35-40 words.


Subiectul II

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word or with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Subiectul III

Write a 75-80 word coherent text responding to the situation below.

Your local council intends to name a street after a famous historic woman that had a great impact on the development of her  English-speaking country. Recommend a personality and explain your choice.

Subiectul IV

Write a 180-200-word coherent text expressing your attitude on the given topic.
Should lyceum students have a part-time job ? Agree or/and disagree. Present 2 examples.

*Unele puncte nu sunt complete, dacă vă mai amintiți detalii, scrieți-le în spațiul rezervat comentariilor și noi vom face update la subiecte.

Mai multe detalii despre sesiunea de Bacalaureat din 2016 vedeți aici: BAC Moldova

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