(video) Colecția completă a discursurilor de la TEDxChisinau: Next Level

Foto:Onorica Banciu la TEDxChisinau: Next Level PC: TEDxChisinau

TEDxChisinau: Next Level este un eveniment local TED care a fost organizat pe 23 septembrie 2012 în incinta Teatrului Mihai Eminescu. Evenimentul a adunat 12 vorbitori naționali și internaționali care au vorbit în fața a peste 400 spectatori.

#1. Chad Rogers  – Tweeting is’t enough

Chad has worked with Fortune 100 companies to both make their case to governments and mobilize public coalitions who support jobs, growth and investment.

#2. Maria Gaidar  – Изменение системы изнутри

Maria Gaidar is a Harvard Kennedy School of Government graduate. In February 2009 she became an advisor to the new governor of Kirov Oblast and on July 23 she was confirmed as a deputy governor in Kirov Oblast. Russian political activist and the founder of the Youth movement “DA!”

#3. Octavian Țîcu  – Paradoxurile unui stat falimentar cu sport elitar

Ţicu was a professional boxer and won multiple international awards. He represented Moldova at the 1996 Summer Olympics.

#4. Alex Cosmescu  – Do you exist? Really?

His explorations – both academical and informal – are centered on two areas: dialogue and the body.

#5. Elena Pahomova  – Будущего не будет

Elena is a journalist, program director at a private TV channel in Moldova. She started her career in Television back in 1998 being in charge of developing and launching new TV projects.

#6. Eugen Boico  – Remix your way into the future

Eugen is passionate about electronic music – he is an active DJ and sound producer having releases on Black Hole Recordings – the home to many of the top DJs in the world.
Eugen is leading NRG Events – a team of young professionals organizing the biggest electronic music events in the country including the recent show of the NR.1 DJ in the world, David Guetta in Moldova.

#7. Dave Erasmus  – Is giving good for you

David, a serial international entrepreneur and now founder of Givey.com, will be sharing stories from his research and experiments in thinking differently about using the power of the Crowd to go to the next level in solving problems in the world.

#8. Onorica Banciu  – Ieși din joc!

As a speaker she came with ideas, colors and inspiration. She made attendees believe that the city they live in deserves another colorful outfit. A more enlightened one. At Next level she will talk about those barriers that stand in the ways of the ideas and good intentions and block their passing.

#9. Dorin Dușciac  – Fizica nucleară: Pericolul vine din ignoranță

Since 2009, Dorin is a Research Engineer at the Laboratory of Dosimetry Metrology (National Laboratory Henri Becquerel) at the French Atomic Energy Commission in Saclay, near Paris. His current field of interest includes the establishment of a novell reference of high-energy photonic beams for radioprotection.

#10. Dmitry Voloshin  – Живые проекты

Dmitry Voloshin – founder and administrator of Simpals, one of the first Moldovan startups, writer and ideologue of many successful web-projects 999.md, Point.md, Forum.md, Drive.md, Play.md etc., total attendance of which is over one million users per month. He is also the producer and director of the first Moldovan 3D animated film “The Gypsy.” He’s 38 years old, married with two children.

#11. Jennifer Leigh Brush  – Moldova Youth – Bricks in the Foundation of Peace

Jennifer Leigh Brush took up her duties as Head of the OSCE to Moldova on 11 April 2012. A career diplomat, she comes to the OSCE from Washington where she was the Director of the State Department Office for South Central European Affairs.

#12. Ruslan Cojocaru – Fericirea 2.0

Ruslan started his career as a professor at Academy of Economic Studies. He later entered the retail business launching Eurotel and Conect. Now is known for the great success in the restaurant business: Pizza Celentano and more recently Tucano Coffee.
Motto: All you need is love.

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